
Many people have one goal in the coming year. That’s to stop losing hair and start restoring its healthy growth. Though some would think this type of goal is lofty or even nothing more than a cosmetic concern, hair is quite valuable to people in terms of its emotional component. For many, hair defines their persona. It’s who you are, a key part of the way you look, and something that you appreciate. When hair starts to fall out, it is quite easy to see the stress this can cause. However, there are numerous steps you can take to reduce these risks and improve your chances of preventing additional hair loss and even re-growing hair that’s been lost. How can you do this?

Talk to Your Doctor First

In most cases of hair loss, there is an underlying cause. That is, there is some change occurring in the body or in the follicles that is creating the loss. Your doctor can help to pinpoint what that loss is and help you to create a plan for dealing with it. For example, one of the most common causes of hair loss stems from hormone imbalances. These change may include your diet, stress levels and changes in lifestyle. By pinpointing these potential causes of hair loss, your doctor can help you create a plan for overcoming the problem, therefore helping your body get back to a better hair growth cycle.

Work on Your Diet

While many start off the year with a focus on losing weight, your diet changes need to be geared towards improving overall hair health. What you eat is what directly impacts the quality and even the amount of hair growing from your head. The best diet for hair growth and to prevent hair loss is one that is:

  • Rich in a variety of vegetables: Eat a wide range of colors especially deep green leafy vegetables for their high iron concentration
  • Rich in fruit, again with a high level of color variety to get as many nutrients as possible
  • Low in saturated fat; replace it with high quality fat, such as those from nuts, fish, and avocados
  • Free of processed foods which can trigger hair loss and other changes in your body’s chemistry
  • Rich in fish with a reduction in red meat

In addition to this, consider the advantages of taking a high quality supplement. Giving your body the nutrition it needs to help you to prevent or reduce hair loss. While organic food is always best, look for fresh produce and non-canned items as a nutrient rich option.

Improve the Way You Care for Your Hair

The next step in preventing hair loss or shedding is to deal with what’s causing it from a physical point of view. Are you the type of person that loves to change up your color every few weeks? Perhaps you’ve had a few too many chemicals applied to your hair over the last few weeks. This is where your stylist can come in and help you to prevent damaged hair. Here are some goals:

  • Stop using a significant amount of heat on your hair every day. Whether from curling irons or flat irons, these tools damage your hair and lead to hair damage.
  • Reduce the frequency of chemical-based applications including chemical relaxers, colorings, perms, and other components. These, again, fry your hair and cause damage.
  • Improve the way you style your hair so that you reduce tension at the root. For example, you do not want to put your hair up in a tight bun or ponytail every day – this creates hair loss due to the strain.

Get professional Scalp/ Trichology Treatments

We tend to basically ignore our scalps until something goes wrong. Until flakes start showing up, it’s out of sight, out of mind. Unfortunately, most don’t notice treatable scalp conditions until they turn into hair problems. By that time, a lot of preventable damage can take place. By being mindful of your scalp, you can catch new problems as they arise and nip progressive conditions in the bud. If you actually do develop a hair-loss condition, keeping a healthy scalp will improve the health of your hair and help you retain it. At Unique Hair Concepts, we conduct a hair and scalp analysis or tricho test on every client so we may recommend the proper treatment specific to the clients scalp condition and in tur we can help them prevent further loss of hair.

When you incorporate all of these components you’ll see your hair improve and you’ll love the way it looks. Most importantly, you’ll also be improving your overall hair health. Even when you are facing hereditary factors that are causing hair loss, many of these steps can still help to reduce, stop, or prevent additional hair loss from occurring. Work with an experienced hair professional to find the solution right for your individual needs. A customized plan is exactly what you need to stimulate hair growth and prevent hair loss in 2016. Contact the team at Unique Hair Concepts for a complimentary hair and scalp analysis.

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